Wiki technologies
Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books and other similar online literature are displacing paper counterparts from our lives. Let's consider the most capacious and popular encyclopedic resource, in the creation of which users themselves can take part.
Articles & tests
Logitech M196 mouse review: small and long
0 The Logitech M196 mouse is designed for work, affordable, convenient in size, wireless, and lasts all year on a battery. What else is needed?
08.11.24 | 20.26
Vodafone has expanded available roaming for Ukrainians to all EU countries
VodafoneVodafone Ukraine has expanded the possibilities of using mobile communication services, allowing its subscribers to use home tariffs in 28 countries of the European Union
08.11.24 | 16.13
Nvidia will release its ARM processors for PCs in September 2025
Nvidia processorNvidia plans to release its ARM processors for PCs in September 2025, which will compete with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X line