Telegram will display the primary country of the advertiser
Since July 19, Telegram has started monetization for channels from Ukraine. This opportunity became available for many countries on April 1. Administrators of communities with more than 1000 subscribers will be able to receive 50% of the revenue from advertising in their channels. To activate monetization, channel owners need to update the Telegram program and check the presence of the corresponding tab in the “Statistics” section. Withdrawals will be made in the internal cryptocurrency TON (The Open Network).
In addition, Telegram is stepping up measures to combat fraudsters in the cryptosphere. Messenger will soon begin displaying the month of registration and primary country for public accounts, similar to Instagram. Organizations will also be able to use their mini-programs to label channels, creating a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification. I wonder if it will be seen that most of the veiled ipso-advertisements are from Russia?
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