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4 Innovation Factory

Militarization of the economy is a solution to pressing problems of the country’s defense capability and a way out of the economic crisis. This is how we can summarize the tasks created several months ago by the public organization UA.RPA

5 Tablets that save lives

Timur Kobzar, a famous children’s writer in peacetime, and today a legend in volunteer circles, put tablet PCs into the service of the Ukrainian army

6 Printer in the service of the army

Despite the gradual abandonment of paper documents, there are still areas of human activity in which it will not be possible to completely switch to electronic document management for a long time, and the army is one of these areas

7 Military telemedicine: when is it better once see

In the capital, in the purulent surgery department of the country’s main military hospital, where Ukrainian soldiers with the most severe wounds are being treated, a unique telemedicine project for the country has been implemented. Our correspondent met with the initiator and main ideologist of the project

8 Satellite technologies for military purposes

In the context of military operations on the territory of Ukraine, the national communications operator Datagroup does not stand aside and presents technological developments for the military-defense sector

9 System “Nettle”

About the development of automated control systems in the ground forces of the former USSR and Western countries, about the situation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the conflict in the east of the country, about one of the interesting domestic developments, successfully tested in combat conditions in this article

10Risk management

In recent years, the transport industry has become increasingly vulnerable and exposed to security risks. An urgent task is to ensure the security of transport hubs, in which services involved in the protection of facilities are faced with the need to protect passengers, employees, goods, infrastructure and government assets from possible threats

19 Patriotism is not doing everything in spite of…

For more than a year now, we, volunteers, have been plugging holes in the country’s military department. Volunteer battalions, regular army, special forces – we were everywhere where help was needed


11 Bottomless Barrel

External batteries are one of the most popular accessories for mobile devices today. What features do these devices have and how to choose the right model? We answer these and other questions in our comparative test

12 Extreme sportsmen under pressure

Testing of rugged devices designed for use in harsh conditions: Dell Latitude Rugged Extreme 14, Everest T71 and Everest IB-8


14 “To protect Ukraine, high-quality communications are more needed in the trenches than in headquarters”

With these words, the chief of communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Major General Vladimir Vasilyevich Rapko, began our conversation. Among the topics discussed: the situation with equipping the armed forces with communications equipment a year ago, the tasks facing the communications department at the present time, issues of introducing Ukrainian developments and much more.


15 Control systems for armed forces. Suchai tendenciї

Globally, military-political and economic situations at the end of the 20th century – the beginning of the 21st century are formed under the influx of complex processes of the geo-economic and geopolitical incentive system of international transactions, tied in the first place the ongoing struggle for control over natural resources, especially energy resources, as well as the lack of importance further development

16 Organization of an intelligent radio communication network

Military communications have come a long way from analog two-way communication systems to intelligent digital networks. The evolution of the technologies themselves, the features of organizing radio networks, including the most modern ones, will be discussed in this material

17 SDR revolution

The article discusses the advantages provided by the use of radio communications with programmable parameters, and identifies further directions for their development.

18 Satellite communication systems

About the principles of organization and functionality, existing and future satellite communication systems used by the armed forces in this material

20 Social media for information intelligence

Obviously, social media is the most valuable source of information for intelligence, providing absolutely legitimate information about people, genres, installations, products, etc.


21Operational link for hybrid war

Today, the effectiveness of stagnation of reinforced molds during the hybrid war mostly depends on the favorable interaction of their connections, parts and sub-sections

22 Combat control system as a communication environment

A battle management system (MCS) is an integrated software application that provides command and control of a unit’s combat operations. The purpose of this material is to give a general idea of ​​the typical functions and capabilities of the system, which is a tool for commanders of company and battalion tactical groups in modern armies

23 Reliability standards for communication technology

The ability of electronic equipment to operate in difficult conditions is an integral requirement when operating it in industrial enterprises, transport and construction. Reliability becomes even more important when used in law enforcement agencies, the army and the navy.

24 Information and Cyber ​​Security Rules

The rise of current technological developments has changed our world and will, but in the hour of military conflicts can pose a threat to our lives, and the lives of our brothers in life

25 I will helpzyazkivtsyu. watermarkReminder

Operation of radio, satellite and trunking functions


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